Replacement Windows Doors in England & Wales

Our Double Glazing Pro uPVC and Composite Doors are manufactured in Rotherham from the highest quality raw materials available. We have invested many years in the research and development of our uPVC window and door systems to ensure 100% customer satisfaction. Our uPVC door range is detailed below, click to find out more on your preferred external door style. We only use our own highly experienced builders, joiners, plasterers and electricians to ensure the highest levels of quality control.

uPVC Entrance Doors

Where to Buy Cheap Double Glazed Windows and DoorsOur uPVC door range are manufactured from Synseal Synergy fully sculpted A-rated profiles. Our replacement doors are made to comply with building regulations for England and Wales.

  • Energy Efficient
  • High Security
  • Cost Effective
  • Low Maintenance

Composite Doors

GRP Composite doors are now the most common style of replacement entrance door, the thicker opening door sash design improves both energy efficiency, security and sound insulation over conventional uPVC doors. Composite doors are made from an outer layer of coloured fibreglass which is moulded to resemble painted hardwood; internally composite doors benefit from a dense impact-resistant foam core which is not only highly thermally efficient but also improves security.

Our GRP Composite door range are made from only the highest quality materials available; as there are many options available it is worth considering all the different colour options, glass designs and outer frame designs. Contact us today to book in your free composite door quotation in the Rotherham area of South Yorkshire.

French Doors

Where to Buy Cheap Double Glazed Windows and DoorsSliding sash windows are a traditional and stylish alternative to casement windows. In recent years we have perfected the design and manufacture process for uPVC sliding sash windows, meaning that they are now both highly energy efficient, secure and reliable. Our sash windows achieve A-rated energy efficiency as standard, featuring triple weather seals.

Sliding Patio Doors

Sliding sash windows are a traditional and stylish alternative to casement windows. In recent years we have perfected the design and manufacture process for uPVC sliding sash windows, meaning that they are now both highly energy efficient, secure and reliable. Our sash windows achieve A-rated energy efficiency as standard, featuring triple weather seals.

Bifold Doors

Sliding sash windows are a traditional and stylish alternative to casement windows. In recent years we have perfected the design and manufacture process for uPVC sliding sash windows, meaning that they are now both highly energy efficient, secure and reliable. Our sash windows achieve A-rated energy efficiency as standard, featuring triple weather seals.

Where to Buy Cheap Double Glazed Windows and Doors
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